གཞས། བརྩེ་བའི་ཡུམ་ཆེན༎
Song: Great Loving Mother
གཞས་པ། དགེ་པེ༎ Singer: Gepe
བཙན་པོའི་རྨི་ལམ་སྟོང་བའི་དབྱི ངས་སུ་བཏགས༎
Tsen pö mi lam tong pay ying su
རོལ་དབྱངས་སྐྱོ་བོ་དམར་པོའི་རི་ ནས་གྱེར༎
Röl yang kyo wo mar pö ri ney
འབྲོང་གཡག་རི་ལ་གྱེས་པའི་གཏམ་རྒ ྱུད་དེ༎
Drong yak ri la gye pay tam gyü
གངས་དཀར་ཨ་མར་བཞག་པའི་སྨྲེ་སྔ གས་ཡིན༎
Kang kar ah mar shak pay me ngag
The king's dream is fixed within
empty space.
A sorrowful melody is sung from
the red mountains.
The story sung in the mountains
of the wild yaks
Is a cry sung for the mother of
the white snow.
རྫི་གླུ་སྙན་མོ་ནམ་མཁའི་སྤྲིན་ ལ་བཏགས༎
Dzi lu nyen mo nam khay drin la
སེམས་གཞས་སྐྱུར་མོ་ཆུ་བཞི་སྒང་ ན་ལྷག།
Sem shey kyur mo chu shi gang na
སྤྲ་ནག་གངས་ལ་གྱེས་པའི་ལོ་རབས་ དེ༎
Dra nak kang la gye pay lo rab de
གངས་དཀར་ཨ་མར་བསྲིང་པའི་སྨྲེ་སྔ གས་ཡིན༎
Kang kar ah mar sing pay me ngag
The pleasant song of the shepherd
is fixed in the clouds of the sky.
The sour song of the heart
surpasses the ridges of the four rivers.
The decade which split asunder
the black tents and the snow
Is a cry sent out to the mother
of the white snow.
ཏི་སེའི་ཐུགས་དགོངས་གནམ་གྱི་ མཐའ་ལ་ཕྱར༎
Ti sey thuk gong nam gyi tha la
མ་ཕམ་གཡུ་མཚོ་ལུང་སྟོང་འགྲམ་ན་ ལྷག།
Ma pham yum tsho lung tong dram
na lhak
ཡར་ལུང་སོག་ཁའི་བཙན་པོའི་སྐུ་ མཁར་དེ༎
Yar lung sok khay tsen pö ku khar
གངས་དཀར་ཨ་མར་བསྐྱུར་བའི་སྨྲེ་ སྔགས་ཡིན༎
Kang kar ah mar kyur way me ngag
The heart and thoughts of Mt.
Kailash extend to the limits of space.
The turquoise lake Manasarovar
surpasses the banks of the desolate valley.
The fortress of the Yarlung
river's king
Is a cry cast out for the mother of
the white snow.
གནམ་སའི་སྲུབས་ན་གངས་རིའི་སྐྱོ་ གར་འཚང༎
Nam say sub na kang ri kyo gar
ཉི་ཟླའི་ཟེར་ལ་སེམས་ཀྱི་ཏིང་འཛི ན་བསྙལ༎
Nyi day ser la sem kyi ting dzin
སྨྲ་ལྕེ་བཙོན་དུ་བཟུང་བའི་མིག་ ཟུང་འདི༎
Ma che tsön du sung way mig sung
གངས་དཀར་ཨ་མར་བླངས་པའི་སྨྲེ་སྔ གས་ཡིན༎
Kang kar ah mar lang pay me ngag
The gap between heaven and earth
is where the sadness of the snow mountains pours out.
The mind's absorption rests in
the rays of the sun and moon.
These two eyes which keep the
tongue as a prisoner
Are a cry sung for the mother of
the white snow.
སྨྲ་ལྕེ་བཙོན་དུ་བཟུང་བའི་མིག་ ཟུང་འདི༎
Ma che tsön du sung way mig sung
གངས་དཀར་ཨ་མར་བླངས་པའི་སྨྲེ་སྔ གས་ཡིན༎
Kang kar ah mar lang pay me ngag
གངས་དཀར་ཨ་མར་བླངས་པའི་སྨྲེ་སྔ གས་ཡིན༎
Kang kar ah mar lang pay me ngag
These two eyes which keep the
tongue as a prisoner
Are a cry sung for the mother of
the white snow.
Are a cry sung for the mother of
the white snow.
Note: As this song is very
cryptic and enigmatic in nature, it was difficult to translate. It is difficult
to say (for me at least) what precisely this song is about, but then again that
is perhaps what makes it so unique and beautiful. I can make some guesses about
a couple of the lyrics, but I would rather leave it up to the reader's
imagination. There are quite a few areas in this song which I am not certain I
have rendered accurately, so if anyone has any better suggestions please let me
know. A quick example is the first phrase བཙན་པོའི་རྨི་ལམ (tsen pö mi lam) which I have
translated as "king's dream" but could plausibly mean "terrible
dream" due to the dual meaning of the term 'tsen po'; though following the
pattern in the first line of each verse, it seems likely it should be a possessive
structure like the others (eg. "song of the shepherd"). Gepe is an
incredible singer who is currently imprisoned because of the content of some of
his songs, and I have wanted to translate one of his songs for some time in
spite of the how difficult his songs typically are. I sincerely hope this
translation does his work justice, as it is my humble attempt to pay homage to
such a brave figure.
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